September 2007 Cruise

Friday and Saturday

Departed Portland at 1800 and entered the Cape Cod Canal 21.5 hours later. 126 miles for an average speed of 5.36 knots.

Refueled at Sandwich and then anchored in Onset after canal transit. 138 total miles for an average speed of 5.37 knots including fuel stop.

These speeds are based on the actual track distances over the ground. The straight line distance from the 4WC buoy off Cape Elizabeth to the Canal entrance is 108 miles which we covered in 19.87 hours for an average speed of 5.43 knots.

This leg shown in yellow. Click chart for next leg.

Click here for pictures of this leg and and Saturday taken by crew member Linda Conti.

Read the full story from the June 2008 issue of
Points East magazine here.

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